Educational computer program based on the Scratch programming language E-curriculum will lead us a way to implement coding training successfully. It will be a tool for childrens' development and it will be arranged for the childrens' needs, interests and their level of ages. E-curriculum will be a sample to the partner countries in which coding training is not implemented officially in their education system. E-curriculum will be translated in to each partner countries language. At the end of the project the prepared policy paper about coding training e-curriculum will be hand out to and requested to the authorities to each partner country. Before preparing the E-curriculum we will do a deep searching in other countries curriculum who implemented officially in their education system and we will discover the needs of the teachers and the students and we will create an innovative e-curriculum which contains e-games, surveys and quiz. The aim of the intellectual is to create a computer program / game in the Scratch programming code, which can be used on any of the subjects taught at school (eg, History, Mathematics, English, Physics, Geography). The programme will make learning process more creative and attractive. The programme purpose is to enhance the quality and efficiency in coding which is related to the e-curriculum. It can be easily and accessible from everybody who interested in coding training in the level of students.