1. Open education and innovative practices in a digital era
2. Strengthening the profiles of the teaching professions
3. Supporting individuals in acquiring and developing basic skills and key competences
Our main objective is to open innovative practices in digital era and strengthening of professional staff in all participating organizations and institutions, raising the quality of innovative education to the exploration of creavity in children. To increase the quality of the implementation of the curriculum improvement in this area will bring high level of knowledge about coding to the teachers. Our aim is to improve the student’s digital literacy and using technology on the right way. Enhancing teacher’s knowledge and experiences, students will enable the adaptation to the digital age and they will shape their future professions. We will increase the quality of the implementation by trying to get the tutors' knowledge about encoding and digital era to high levels. The tutorials from partner countries and the community of methodical recommendations of the project will generate the development of coding training. The project aims to expand the impact of coding knowledge which is a planned development and innovative education. The target group of the project; directly participate to the project are the projects involved organizations, teachers and students between the age14 to 18, secondary level. Indirect participants will be the students aged 14 and 18, teachers, parents relating to the around organizations in local, national and international. The number of the participants who will benefit from the project will be approximately 100 from each organization which will make about 800 people. The second priority, supporting individuals in acquiring and developing basic skills and key competences. To the related project targets, teachers and students will gain high quality of skills and competences using technological tools in education. The cooperation of different partner countries in coding training to pupils will improve the tutors' quality of innovative education and competences. In contrast to classical education system students will be active not passive and they will improve their creating thinking and solving problems. All participants will enhance their sufficiency in group work and use of information technology. Furthermore, the participants in the project will extend their scopes by means of the international aspect of the project. The last priority is strengthening the profiles of the teaching professions, particularly in the field of technological literacy and creative thinking. With coding training teachers will enhance their usage of technological tools and also the students will learn how to use technological literacy on the right way and by means of it they will enhance their creative thinking and solving problems. Furthermore, to raise awareness of parents and tutors about the importance of technological literacy and creative thinking to pupils, tutors also develop their teaching strategies for next generations in the digital world and they will appeal to the pupil's needs.