“Nicolae Balcescu” High School is a public secondary high school located in Medgidia, Constanta County, Dobrudja, south-east Romania. It currently has 36,000 inhabitants, living in the old Carasu Valley, between the Danube and the Black Sea, only 35 km away from Constanta. The natural resources consist of limestone and kaolin sand deposits. The main economic activities are agriculture, woodwork and cement industry. “Nicolae Balcescu” High School was founded in 1957. As only theoretical high school in town it has many students coming here from the town outskirts and nearby settlements intending to complete their education necessary to grant them admission to university, especially students preparing their higher education studies in Information Technology, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry (Nature Sciences) and Humanities (Philology). The high school building includes 18 classrooms, 5 laboratories (for Chemistry, Physics, Biology, IT, Coding), 1 sports hall and 1 sport court, 1 library and reading room, 1 archive room and 1 room for projects and partnerships). Our main topic is to provide education for active citizenship and European cooperation. Thus, the teaching staff encourages student’s mobility, induce them the necessity and motivation to learn a European language and to acquire the necessary skills for a future European career. Most of our students are part of disfavored families from the rural and urban area. Only few of the students’ family members work in town for large companies (Lafarge), most of them commute to other areas (Constanta, Cernavoda) for work or are unemployed. Mobility in an international project is a great social and personal opportunity for students from our area. We aim to develop key skills proposed by our Romanian educational system: communication in foreign languages, skills in math, science and technology, digital and IT skills, interpersonal communication skills, initiative and cultural awareness. Our educational staff and management actively promote partnerships with the local community, NGOs and companies in order to achieve skills necessary to acquire the strategic targets identifies in Europe 2020 Agenda. “Nicola Bălcescu” High-School enjoys much success in all regional/national competitions of Biology, Geography, Economy, Philosophy, and it has been having for 4 years an optional course in health education which emphasizes on body hygiene and nutrition. Students and teachers organize activities included in world programs like Yes Event conference, Global Education Week, as last year when they had activities on sustainable development, or this year when the theme was healthy food and food security. The teachers involved in this project teach Psychology, Biology, Chemistry, Philosophy and Modern Languages, and also participated in international non-formal educational activities, like exchanges or international training courses financed by the Council of Europe (Pestalozzi), on sustainable development. Our goals: - Understanding and responsiveness to social, ethnic, linguistic and cultural diversity Better understanding of practices, policies and systems in education, training or youth across countries - new or improved practices to cater for the needs of disadvantaged groups and to deal with differences in learning outcomes linked to the geographical and socioeconomic disparities Supporting teachers in dealing with diversified groups of learners. Our motivation for this project is to collaborate with schools and partners from other fields (university and professional training center) to gain professional experience in the field of coding. Contact Liceul Teoretic Nicolae Balcescu Medgidia Address Scarlat Varnav no 2 Country Romania P.O. Box Postal Code CEDEX City Medgidia www.nicolaebalcescu.ro [email protected] Telephone +40241811195