Multiplier event Each partner country will be responsible for the dissemination and sustainability of the project. School partner's of the project will be responsible of eTwinning and Scientix portal to disseminate project activities and results. Schools also will arrange workshops and meetings to other school's teachers, students, parents, policy makers at local and national level to disseminate all project's stages. University partner is responsible to disseminate every stage of the project activities in their official page and they will subscribe an article about the project in their official page also will give conferences and seminars to university students, teachers, authorities, policy makers to make awareness in digital literacy. Spain partner will be responsible to disseminate project activities and results in their official page and also arrange workshops and meetings to the local community, teachers, students and authorities at local and national level. Within the partnership all the institutions and organizations participating in the project activities, professional staff cooperated and exchanged ideas, improved project solutions at the international level and correlative experience exchange will be developed. Other employees in institutions and organizations of participating partners who are not able to obtain a grant and carry out part of the project activity in the course of the project will be presented at all presentations and events. Cooperation and observation will improve the quality of the work of the group and that prospers the project results which are incorporated into their own practices and profession. From the organizations involved in all project activities the children between the ages of 14 and 18 years and the teachers are our target group and also they are the ones we want to create permanent effects at the international level. Moreover, the parents of the target group will consciously transfer the project effect to their environment as an effective and useful technology literacy. Apart from the partnership local communities will be included to promote the importance of coding training. Meetings will be held nationally with the participants of conferences and symposiums in order to evaluate the results of the project, identification of the information and recognition of the solutions. Local communities will attend these meetings. Each member will have their own network in the current network of partner countries in the project and thus other expert staff who are not in the project can also communicate with the countries outside the European Union and therefore they can reach out to enrich their methods and improve their strategies.